

Select some functions under RANDOM

Click NEW


(if nothing shows up after a few seconds, click New again)


Right-Click 'Save image as' to save


A fractal is a mathematical set that exhibits a repeating pattern at every scale. There are several ways of drawing a fractal. One of them is by playing the Chaos Game. The Chaos Game is played as follows:

0. Create N functions

1. Select a random point (x,y)

2. Select one of your functions at random

3. Apply your point to that function and get a new point (x,y)

4. Plot your new point

5. Go to step 2

Fractal flames generate fractals in much the same way. Fractal Inferno is a Fractal Flame generator.

Top Left Corner


How may loops the Chaos Game has iterated through. The higher the value, the higher the detail in the final render. Over 1.0e+8 points usually yields a fairly high level of detail.

Top Right Corner


Choose a set of functions to randomly generate a fractal from. Updates Custom with those functions upon hitting New.



Add functions.


weight: 0 to 1. The weights of all functions should add up to 1.

R,G,B: Each value is a 0 to 1 rgb value to color this function.


a,b,c,d,e,f: a,b,c is the shear, rotation, and scale for the x-axis and d,e,f is for y. Values best between -1.5 and 1.5.


A function and its weight. Weights should add up to 1 be don't have to.

Bottom Right Corner

final func

Which of the above functions to always call at the end of each Chaos game loop. The first function is 0, second is 1 and so on. Leave blank for none.

final color

Like final func but takes the functions color instead.


Change the canvas' width. Default window width.


Change the canvas' Height. Default window height.


Zoom in to the center of the fractal zoom times.


How many times you want the fractal rotated about the center.

mirror x

Toggle on and off mirroring the fractal across the x-axis.

mirror y

Toggle on and off mirroring the fractal across the y-axis.


Begin a new game.

Bottom Left Corner

hue shift

Value to add to the hue of each HSL color in the final image. Between -360 and 360.

sat shift

Positive value to increase saturation and negative to decrease. Best at around 2.

light shift

Like sat shift but for lightness. Best at around 1.

freq thresh

Moves the alpha threshold. At 1, only the highest frequency point is fully opaque. At 2, all points higher than half the max frequency are opaque. Default is 10.


Roughly a non-linear lightness. Default is 2.2.


Take the currently plotted points, apply final changes and draw them.


Keep iterating the chaos game with the same functions after rendering.


Save the outputted image simply by: Right Clicking and Save As


Tariq Soliman

Fractal Inferno
To begin, select a few functions on the right and hit New!